
Fitness unleashed: Uncovering Shepparton’s gym gems

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Keeping fit: There’s never a bad time to look after your health. Photo by JEROME FAVRE/AAP Images

As the new year unfolds, we find ourselves at the crossroads of endings and beginnings, contemplating resolutions that could shape the coming months.

Setting new year’s resolutions is a tradition that some bravely undertake. After all, the choice to reinvent ourselves is not bound by time, but selecting the first day of a new year can add a layer of significance to our resolutions.

With children returning to school and the promise of more time for self-care, I am embarking on a quest to explore various gym classes in Shepparton. This article is the first of a series that will serve as a guide for those like me seeking to get back in shape.


A decade ago, I successfully kicked the unhealthy habit of smoking upon arriving in Australia. The exorbitant cost of cigarettes served as a catalyst, pushing me to replace the vice with a commitment to regular exercise.

Despite a lifelong aversion to sports, I clung to this newfound routine as a lifeline. It didn’t take long before I started feeling better: I slept better, had higher energy levels, my mental health improved and, eventually, exercising got easier.

However, a recent 15-month stint in Europe led to an unexpected relapse into smoking. Now, back in Australia, I have recommitted to a smoke-free life; however, the absence of regular exercise in my routine needs exploration.

As a newcomer to Shepparton, I am eager to uncover the diverse fitness options available for those looking to embark on a similar journey.

Join me on a fitness journey like no other, navigating the different fitness avenues available in Shepparton and exploring the possibilities for personal transformation. Whether you aim to kick old habits or embrace new ones, this guide’s goal is to provide insights into the local fitness scene, encouraging everyone to turn resolutions into lasting lifestyle changes.

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be sweating it out at some of Shepparton’s finest gyms, immersing myself in a variety of classes, and delivering honest, unfiltered reviews.

No special treatment here — I won’t be revealing my journalist status, ensuring an authentic experience that mirrors what any fitness enthusiast can expect.

Each week, I’ll be sharing my insights, detailing the highs, lows and unexpected surprises from each gym. This comprehensive review aims to be your compass in navigating Shepparton’s fitness landscape, offering valuable insights for those determined to kick-start their fitness journey in the new year.

– Kady Hadjab is a cadet journalist at The News.