
Letter: Credit where credit is due

Roadworks: Welsford St, Shepparton, has been shut for some time, which has frustrated businesses. However, credit has been given to some councillors. Photo by Simon Bingham

Councillors do the hard yards

In relation to the article ‘Roadwork pain’ (the News, Monday, January 16), I would like to add further comment because credit should be given where credit is due, and I feel it is important to place on record my thanks to City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali and councillors Anthony Brophy and Geoff Dobson.

On being advised of the two-week closure of the Welsford St, Shepparton, car park at the rear of our business I rang Cr Sali with my concerns about logistics for delivery of papers via trucks to the rear of our business and the added pressure the closure would place on the area, given the chaos the roadworks had already imposed on our business and many other traders.

After a lengthy conversation, Cr Sali addressed our predicament and rang me back within two hours with a solution to receive our daily paper supply.

The following week Crs Sali, Brophy and Dobson visited the businesses along our shopping strip to talk directly to them and address any concerns they might have had.

This was something they didn’t have to do, and they earned my respect.

It’s very easy as a public figure to be there for all the ‘light, fluffy, popular’ things; however, not many show up for the unpopular hard decisions.

These three councillors are obviously prepared to do the hard work and are truly concerned about the community.

Criticising is easy; however, credit where credit is due ...

Louise Lovell-Brown

Lovell’s Shepparton Newsagency

246 Wyndham St