
Letter | No need for ‘united stand on Voice’

Letter to the editor. Photo by Megan Fisher

Louis Cook, Numurkah

Please allow me to add some constructive comment to the article ‘United stand on Voice’ (the News, Friday, August 18).

As I read the article it came to mind, ‘By what authority are the council making their stand?’

The News reported: “Councillors voted unanimously at Tuesday’s meeting to support the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

“The motion was moved by Cr Anthony Brophy, who tried to answer the question he anticipated from many residents, of why council should take a stand when the referendum would only count the votes of individuals.

“’Because people in our community have asked us, as leaders in the community, to form a stance and let the public know,’ he said.”

Sir, councillors should know the proposed referendum is a Commonwealth Government matter and the vote is for all to participate — it is compulsory to do so.

How many of the councillors have a copy of the Australian Constitution? And have they read and understood it? Are the councillors becoming self-appointed guardians of our thinking and morals rather than elected representatives of the whole community? What is the purpose behind the design of ‘the Voice referendum’?

I believe the true purpose is to change or destroy the Australian Constitution! Therefore, we must oppose any changes at all to the Constitution! Helping Indigenous people is a separate issue and it is not necessary to recognise them in the Australian Constitution because we are all equally recognised!

Making changes to the Australian Constitution is very serious business and hoping it will turn out okay after politicians have had their grubby paws on it is far too much to expect.

The cases for Yes and No have yet to be seen, the Prime Minister cannot intelligently explain the wording of the proposed questions; about here it is hard to remain civil! Be very careful with what you want because on this occasion there will be no going back!

I will NOT be voting for a Voice enshrined in the Constitution!