
Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor. Photo by Megan Fisher

Speed bump controversy

Trevor Cotterill


I read the article “Speed Bumps Mooroopna” with interest on Friday.

My comments might be a little off track but could be worth investigating.

Some time before the speed bumps were installed in Elizabeth St, new street lighting was installed in the position determined by the Traffic Management Study and road safety experts for best placement. But a new street light has been positioned outside one house and the speed cushions have been installed several houses away, clearly in the wrong spot. This is especially evident at night, as they’re not well illuminated.

I suspect the residents with the new street light realised (or were informed) that this was where the speed cushions were to be installed, but objected to them outside their house. Council has therefore moved the position without notice. The newly affected residents had no option to remonstrate, as council did not respond to their concerns.

I guess they don’t know the right people.

Could this be a blatant case of council members looking after their mates?