
Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor. Photo by Megan Fisher

Ignorant and clumsy Nationals campaign

Kelvin Maude, Shepparton

This week I received an unsolicited email from the Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price on behalf of the Nationals, which made assumptions about my view on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and asked for a donation.

I strongly object to being approached in this manner. The assumption that I am a supporter of the No campaign is ignorant and clumsy, and the call for donations is distasteful. The Nationals have form when it comes to unsolicited communications with inaccurate information designed to unsettle.

I find it incredible that our federal and state representatives support the No campaign despite the significant Indigenous community they represent. Towing the party line is completely inappropriate and ill-informed in this community.

Every Australian needs to consider the injustices experienced historically and currently, and consider if that looks equal at any level. The Voice has been called for by the Indigenous community, who have been denied so much for so long — it will be just more of the same if the referendum fails.