
New top dog taking the social media world by storm

By Oddie
Nose for news: Toto has taken the News office by storm, Oddie reports.

Oddie likes to think of himself as a ‘cool uncle’ and has been preparing ahead of Christmas lunch.

Apparently all the youths these days are on the TikToks, this fancy new video app with people doing dances and memes, so he’s been scrolling away and researching the new trends to impress his nieces and nephews.

He had so much fun he decided to start his own TikTok account for the News, and has been capturing snapshots of life in the office for all to enjoy.

If you’re hip and with it, come join in the fun!

@sheppnews The energy of a regional newsroom = unmatched #sheppartonnews #regional #news #shepparton ♬ original sound - STAR💫

There’s a new top dog in town

One of the stars of TikTok this week for the News was journalist Murray Silby’s dog Toto, who made an appearance and was immediately everyone’s favourite new colleague.

Toto had been out hounding politicians and asking dogged questions, and had his paw on the pulse.

If you need anyone to sniff out a story, we’ve got the pooch for you.

Speaking of pooches

Goblin mode was listed as ‘word of the year’ this year by the Oxford English Dictionary, reminding Oddie of another News hound.

(This is, of course, despite goblin mode being two words, making it — Oddie would think, anyway — ineligible for being the singular word of the year? We digress.)

The dog living with two of the News’ own reporters (and belonging to a former News journalist) is well known as an “absolute gremlin”, and is believed to have popularised the term goblin mode well before its rise to fame this year.

Based on conversations with them, Oddie is claiming goblin mode as a Shepparton phrase originating in the Goulburn Valley, and if anyone from Oxford wants to doubt him, they can come to Shepparton and meet Audrey themselves.

Deck stacked against drivers this holiday period

Are you heading to Melbourne over the Christmas break?

Oddie scooted down over the weekend, and it’s getting busy out there.

Make sure you allow extra travel time and practise your poker face, because there’s a full house of roadworks on the Goulburn Valley Hwy between Shepparton and Seymour.

Pothole works, road resurfacing and line-marking — as well as a pair of ‘rough surface’ warnings — are all affecting speed limits along the stretch of road.