
Oddie | On the same page

By Oddie
Drive Safely: And safley.

One team, one dream, one quote board?

Oddie is fully aware of the need to be a team player, and even that people of a similar disposition might, coincidentally, share the same views on a topic, but the response by our local Nationals representatives to an inquiry into local government in Victoria took this to a remarkable new level.

Nationals across the Goulburn Valley region were well chuffed last week when the Coalition was able to get the Legislative Council inquiry up.

So much so that each of Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe and Member for Murray Plains and opposition spokesman for local government Peter Walsh all released statements extolling the news in their own unique way.

“It’s about more than just looking at council rates, we have to go back to square one and examine the entire funding model for local government,” Mr Walsh said.

“It’s about more than just looking at council rates, we have to go back to square one and examine the entire funding model for local government,” Ms Cleeland said.

“It is more than just looking at council rates, we have to go back to square one and examine the entire funding for local government in this state,” Ms O’Keeffe said.

The releases continued in a similar fashion, but Oddie thinks you get the drift.

Drive safley

An avid Oddie reader submitted this photo this week.

Given it is National Road Safety Week next week, Oddie encourages all road users to drive safely and safley, for good measure.

A new way to empty the pockets

Oddie has seen plenty of ways for footballers to be fined.

But Mooroopna product Jy Simpkin had to be the first player in history to be pinged for misconduct for throwing an opponent’s GPS device away at the weekend.

The North Melbourne co-captain sent St Kilda’s Mattaes Phillipou’s tracker into orbit, resulting in a 50m penalty and a $1000 fine from the match review officer.

Oddie wonders what the next ‘first’ will be. Covering an opposition player’s mouthguard in Grippo? Unscrewing their screw-in boot stops?