
Oddie | Swift explanation for online go-slow

By Oddie
Work in progress: The Deakin Reserve scoreboard.

Oddie has a tortured relationship with internet speed at the best of times.

But on Wednesday, between about 3pm and 4pm, simply nothing would load in the Oddie office.

It was only when a colleague mentioned the timing of the Taylor Swift pre-sale that Oddie put two and two together: the four million Swifties attempting to snare tickets at the same time seemed to have ground the country’s internet to a screaming halt.

Or maybe that was just the tortured screams of those who missed out reverberating around the nation.

Scoreboard upgrade

Keen observers in Shepparton this week have sent photos to Oddie of one of the most anticipated upgrades to sporting facilities in recent memory.

The Deakin Reserve scoreboard has a long history of trials and tribulations — especially, it seems, every year around cricket and football finals time — but is in the process of being replaced.

Let’s hope its onwards and upwards for its functionality and reliability from here.

Deni delicacies

Twitter account Country Footy Scores may have discovered the greatest canteen addition in the history of local football.

Out at Deniliquin at the weekend for the Murray league clash between the Rams and Cobram, the account posted a photo of the huge pans of paella being cooked and served to warm up the cold patrons.

Oddie loves a chicken steak, but that paella looks hard to beat.

Deni delicacy: Paella on the go at Deniliquin. Photo: Country Footy Scores.