
Strong opinions on Easter eggs

By Oddie
Favourites: Oddie tasted new varieties of Easter eggs with varying success this week. Photo by LPETTET

With the Easter egg-eating season well and truly on us, Oddie was surprised to see the variety of treats trotted out at a work morning tea this week.

It no longer seems a case of whether you go for the Cadbury or Red Tulip product.

And on that point, almost everyone will go for the Cadbury eggs first — except for one colleague Oddie once worked with who bemoaned the fact she couldn’t get Red Tulip eggs and instead had to go with Cadbury. Each to their own, I guess.

No, this year at morning tea, the array of eggs included some more out-there varieties among the plain chocolate offerings.

There were Oreo mini eggs — not bad, if a little sweet, were Oddie’s thoughts about those. Others in the office liked them, though.

There were also mini eggs that appeared to have bits of what tasted like Fruit Tingles mixed in with the chocolate. They were also okay.

The ones that Oddie — and many of his editorial colleagues — really could not come at, though, were the Wizz Fizz eggs.

Although it must be noted, all of them had been eaten by the following day — probably more out of curiosity than anything else.

Look, Oddie likes chocolate — and Wizz Fizz — but the two together, well, not so much.

Once bitten into, it looked like an actual egg encased in thick chocolate.

The first bite was okay, but it was a bit much after that. One suggestion was it was maybe too big — at the size of a regular chicken egg — and would be all right as a mini egg.

However, one of Oddie’s less complimentary colleagues described it as “like eating a mouthful of sand”.

With the Easter Bunny set to hit our homes this weekend, Oddie hopes everyone’s egg tastes are catered to.

Happy chocolate-eating to you all.