Thanks for attendance, now make a submission

Letter to the Editor Photo by Megan Fisher

Dear Editor,

I write to thank all those who attended the Productivity Commission consultation in Deniliquin last week, despite the short notice.

I am told the speakers were passionate and eloquent.

Our community has every right to have consultation fatigue after more than 16 years working towards the Basin Plan alone, not to mention the multiple water reform processes we lived through before.

Despite this, it is vital for the Productivity Commission to hear from our community, from the businesses, farmers and families who are impacted by the Basin Plan.

These community consultations are an opportunity for them to hear direct.

I was only made aware of the consultations when a community member let me know it had been put on their website.

I was devastated the short notice made it impossible for me to attend. But I was heartened to see the Pastoral Times and Speak Up calling for the community to come together, and I thank everyone who heeded their call.

I also encourage people to make a submission to the government’s current five week consultation on how the Basin Plan can be delivered.

We need them to hear the Basin Plan should be finalised without further water recovery, focusing on outcomes and management rather than volumes.

There is an online survey so people can contribute their ideas:

Yours etc.

Senator Perin Davey