What does the MDBA have to hide?

Letter to the Editor Photo by Megan Fisher

Dear Editor,

Various government departments and agencies have been embroiled in the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) scandal, though there is one in particular which raises additional questions that need to be answered.

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority has confirmed it has written to PwC seeking assurances that confidential information in river modelling contracts worth more than nearly $28 million has not been shared.

So what does the MDBA have to hide in relation to river modelling?

There has long been a view that volumes of water recovered under the Basin Plan cannot be delivered downstream without causing significant erosion to riverbanks, as well as flood damage to public and private infrastructure.

An audit that confirmed these fears would throw the Albanese Government’s flawed water management policies into turmoil, as it would be pointless recovering the massive volumes it proposes, including the additional 450 gigalitres that has been demanded by South Australia.

The Basin Plan is heading towards a cliff.

Is information held by PwC the catalyst that could push it off the edge?

Yours etc.

Stephen Ball
