Digging Deeper | Disability access for guide dogs and their owners on public transport

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Peter O'Connor and his guide dog Jimmy. Photo by Megan Fisher

In this week’s episode of Digging Deeper, the News’ Nicola Ceccato chatted with guide dog owner and disability advocate Peter O’Connor.

Peter, who refers to himself and his guide dog Jimmy as ‘Peter and the Pooch’, has bilateral optic nerve hyperplasia which restricts vision on his left side.

The News chatted with him in the lead up to a drivers' information meeting on Tuesday, July 30 where he was set to speak on guide dogs and what taxi drivers need to do to cater for guide dog users following some negative experiences of being denied entry to taxi’s.

Peter talked about what his message will be to taxi drivers, some of his experiences of being denied transport accessibility, what people do and don’t know about guide dogs and his work advocating for taxi and public transport accessibility for those who use guide dogs.

You can listen to the podcast below.

You can also watch the video of the podcast below too .

Digging Deeper profile shot - Peter O'Connor Photo by Megan Fisher