Find out what Shepp Happens in brand new podcast

Shepp is about to happen. Just ask Djembe Archibald and Nicola Ceccato. Photo by Megan Fisher

Clear your schedules, stop the presses, hold the front page. The News has released a new podcast.

Shepp Happens is a new fortnightly podcast for younger readers of The News.

Because who said local news had to be boring?

News journalists Nicola Ceccato and Djembe Archibald certainly didn't, especially when ‘Shepp Happens’ in the Goulburn Valley all the time.

They are the newsroom’s biggest Shepp talkers and now have an official platform to yap.

From pointing out the frivolous and weird moments capturing the community's attention to casual chats with some local legends — you can find it all in this podcast.

One of the podcast’s biggest aims is to include young locals in as much of the creation process as possible.

The intro music was created by young musician Adem Shaholli.

To check out his other music, head to eyesareclosed on Spotify and eyezareclosed on Instagram.

Photography was by The News’ Megan Fisher. To see more of her work, follow her on Instagram at meganfisherphotography.

The podcast will be available on The News’ website as well as on Spotify and Acast.

The first episode is available now, where the hosts debriefed about a recent work trip, interviewed their editor and much more, so go have a listen and give them a follow now.

Full episode

Editor’s cut

If you want to get in touch with the Shepp Happens team, email or head to their socials at sheppartonnews on Instagram and shepp.happens on TikTok.