Alleged car thief granted bail

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Court: A Shepparton man who allegedly stole a car in Melbourne has been granted bail. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

An unlicensed Shepparton man who allegedly stole a car from a Melbourne home has been granted bail.

David Tong, 30, of Shepparton, applied for bail at Shepparton Magistrates’ Court on Monday, May 9.

Magistrate Victoria Campbell granted Mr Tong bail, after she found there were exceptional circumstances and was “somewhat satisfied” strict conditions could reduce the risk of reoffending.

Mr Tong is charged with theft of a motor vehicle, attempting to obtain property by deception, handling stolen goods, committing an indictable offence while on bail and unlicensed driving.

Police opposed bail, alleging Mr Tong was an unacceptable risk of reoffending and of failing to comply with bail.

The court heard Mr Tong allegedly stole a ute from a Point Cook address while the occupants were asleep in November 2021.

Police allege he also stole cigarettes and a wallet containing bank cards and a driver’s licence.

He was allegedly spotted by police driving the ute in Werribee and intercepted, with checks revealing he was allegedly unlicensed.

The court also heard Mr Tong was visibly drug affected at the time.

The offending took place while Mr Tong was on an 18-month community correction order.

The police prosecutor told the court Mr Tong was unemployed and generally lived with his mother in Shepparton.

The court heard Mr Tong had 12 prior convictions in relation to committing offences while on bail.

Mr Tong’s lawyer said his client had a history of substance abuse and hoped to have his matter dealt with in the drug court.

He said by the time his matter was heard in August, Mr Tong would have spent eight months in prison, which was likely to exceed his eventual sentence.

He told the court Mr Tong had a moderate intellectual disability and was an NDIS recipient.

Mr Tong will be required to report to Shepparton Police Station three times a week, live with his mother, comply with the Court Integrated Services Program, comply with a curfew and not consume alcohol or use drugs.