Hefty fine for illegal firewood collection

A man has been fined after illegally taking firewood from Gemmill Swamp.

A man has been fined $1480 for two firewood-related offences at Mooroopna.

A 53-year-old Mooroopna man pleaded guilty in Shepparton Magistrates’ Court to destroying wildlife habitat, and illegally taking up to two cubic metres of river red gum timber from Gemmill Swamp Wildlife Reserve in August 2022.

Parks Victoria authorised officers detected the offending during Operation Goulburn, which aimed to reduce the impacts of illegal firewood theft from vulnerable ecosystems throughout Greater Shepparton.

It is illegal to cut down and remove trees or take fallen or felled timber from Parks Victoria land without authorisation.

Parks Victoria said when trees were cut down or coarse woody debris such as logs and branches were removed from public land, the habitat values they provide are destroyed.

Gemmill Swamp Wildlife Reserve is home to native wildlife that rely on ancient trees for shelter and food.

This includes hollow-nesting birds such as the critically endangered swift parrot, squirrel gliders who seek tight-fitting hollows to escape predators, and endangered white-bellied sea-eagles who build impressive nests on tree canopies that often exceed 30m in height.

Parks Victoria enforcement senior manager Mark Breguet said was “extremely disappointing” when protected habitat, including large trees and fallen timber in Gemmill Swamp Wildlife Reserve, were illegally targeted for firewood.

“There are legal and sustainable ways for people to collect firewood in Victoria and this conviction should serve as a reminder to anyone thinking about doing the wrong thing,” Mr Breguet said.

Victorians can legally collect free firewood for personal use from designated collection areas in state forests during the autumn and spring firewood collection seasons.

For details on legal firewood collection, visit Forest Fire Management Victoria’s website at www.ffm.vic.gov.au/firewood/firewood-collection-in-your-region

Parks Victoria encourages members of the public to report environmental crime, including the illegal cutting or removal of timber for firewood, to 131 963.