Man in court for grooming teenage girl for sex

Guilty plea: A man is facing the County Court for grooming a teenage girl for sex. Photo by AAP Photo

A Goulburn Valley man groomed a girl for sex over two-and-a-half years sending sexually explicit messages, including ones asking her to have sex with him.

The man, 40, pleaded guilty in the County Court to two counts of grooming a child under 16 years for sex.

The man, who was aged between 36 and 38 at the time, started messaging the teenager in June 2017 when she was 13.

The court heard the man sent sexually explicit messages to the girl between June 2017 and October 2019, ultimately seeking to have sex with her.

The man and the victim exchanged thousands of messages over Snapchat between June 2017 and October 2019 while the girl was aged between 13 and 15.

The messages included that she masturbate herself while on the phone with him, and also that she have sex with him.

The court was told the man was eventually caught after the girl confided in a teacher who alerted the authorities.

The court also heard the man was using a false name when he was in contact with the girl.

A victim impact statement from the girl was read to the court, where she told how the man’s offending had affected her relationships and the way she talked to males by text.

She also told how she did not feel safe any more.

“When I go out I look behind to see if anyone is following me,” she said.

The man’s defence barrister did not make any submissions on the day, instead waiting until a psychological assessment has been done on his client.

The matter was adjourned until March, before returning to court for further plea.

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