Police focus on family violence

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New leadership: Victoria Police Commander Karen Nyholm and Assistant Commissioner Tony Langdon are new leaders for the eastern region of Victoria.

Victoria Police is conducting a review into family violence in Shepparton.

Figures from the Crime Statistics Agency show Shepparton has a relatively high incidence of reported family violence cases in the eastern region of Victoria.

The review will look at police responses and other agencies’ support.

New Eastern region Assistant Commissioner Tony Langdon said the police had found there was an opportunity to improve practice from an organisational perspective in the area.

“We have an offender management program for recidivist offenders ... We have people who move from relationship to relationship who commit horrendous violence against females, and we have a good program dealing with that in Shepparton,” he said.

In terms of support for victims, Asst Comm Langdon said there were excellent support agencies in Shepparton.

“It’s a wholistic, community issue,” he said.

“I am encouraged that our police are heavily focused on trying to reduce the harm it causes.”

Asst Comm Langdon was recently appointed to his position after a career as a uniformed officer and a detective, including positions with armed robbery and homicide squads.

The eastern region for Victoria also has a new Commander, Karen Nyholm, who has worked in the fraud squad, as a prosecutor and with education and media communications.

In an interview with The News this week, Cmdr Nyholm also raised the issue of family violence and its impact on community safety.

“When I go home I feel safe, but for many people, they don’t and it is not a safe haven,’’ she said.

“If there is one place in the world you should feel safe it is at home.”