Police on high alert this long weekend

Out in force: Police on both sides of the border want to ensure everyone drives safely this long weekend. Photo by Megan Fisher

Victorian and NSW police will be out in force this long weekend, urging drivers to stay safe on the roads.

Echuca Highway Patrol Sergeant Paul Nicoll said Victoria Police would be executing Operation Regal statewide for four days — from midnight Thursday, June 9 until midnight Monday, June 13.

He said there would be two cars dedicated to patrolling Campaspe Shire roads for the duration of the weekend.

“We’ll be targeting speeding and impaired driving,” Sgt Nicoll said.

“But distraction and fatigue continue to be a factor in collisions.”

Sgt Nicoll said poor weather conditions and visibility would also contribute to driving risks this weekend.

“People aren’t as used to driving in the rain and poor conditions,” he said.

He asked drivers to ensure they turned their headlights on in low-visibility scenarios, and to check conditions before they travelled.

“Slow down, and stay safe,” Sgt Nicholl said.

In NSW, double demerits will apply from midnight Thursday, June 9 until midnight Monday, June 13.

On Friday, they still also apply in school zones.

Murray River Police Inspector Paul Huggett said all officers had been advised to ensure safe driving over the weekend.

“Our goal is to modify behaviour,” he said.

“So there will be plenty of tickets, but also plenty of warnings.”

Insp Huggett said all NSW police vehicles were equipped to test for alcohol and drug driving.

He also reminded passengers the onus was not only on the driver to be safe.

“Don’t just sit there and condone the driver’s behaviour,” he said.

“Passengers need to remind the driver ‘if you’re driving, it’s my life in your hands’.”

Extra highway patrol vehicles will also be patrolling in NSW.