Pursue career dreams at GOTAFE

Julie-Anne Bamblett-McGee with her Diploma of Nursing.

Open days are a great opportunity for people considering further study, allowing you to explore subject areas, career paths, talk to careers advisors and make informed decisions about your future.

School-leavers can gain an understanding of study and career pathways, find out what areas interest them and learn what tertiary education is all about.

For people who are re-entering the workforce, looking for a change in career direction or returning to study, open days provide an opportunity to experience different fields and learn about pathways into university.

Julie-Anne Bamblett-McGee is a testament to the power of education pathways between TAFE and universities.

Now a Registered Nurse, Julie-Ann completed a Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121) at GOTAFE and a Bachelor of Nursing at La Trobe University, Shepparton.

She was also supported by the Academy of Sport, Health and Education (ASHE) in Shepparton.

“GOTAFE definitely helped me prepare for further study,” she said.

Julie-Anne now works full-time at Rumbalara Medical Clinic, where she is changing lives and improving access to healthcare.

“I have a passion for Aboriginal health and giving our mob the best support in closing the gap,” she said.

Julie-Anne also works casually in the acute ward at Numurkah Hospital.

Getting to where she is now hasn’t come without its challenges.

“Juggling parenting, working and studying was extremely difficult,” she said.

“GOTAFE helped me make it through the course as a single parent.

“My daughter was only 18 months old when I commenced studies with GOTAFE.

“She was often in daycare, and I relied on family to support us during placements.”

No matter how challenging juggling study, work and parenting got, Julie-Anne’s passion for nursing shone through.

GOTAFE is holding a series of open days during the month of August, providing members of the community the chance to learn more about career and education opportunities.

Whether you are just starting out in your career, aiming for a career change, upskilling or seeking professional growth — YOU’VE GOT THIS!

For more information, to register for GOTAFE’s open days or browse course offerings, visit www.gotafe.vic.edu.au