Santa has it in the bag

Photo by Imgorthand
Photo by Nastco

Christmas is just around the corner, and with it comes the task of buying gifts, which for some, can be a stressful time.

For parents, buying gifts for their kids can be incredibly difficult — having to find gifts for each child that they will love and enjoy.

It can be even more difficult as the kids grow up and become teenagers — an age that can still enjoy gifts more associated with kids, but also lean towards more adult presents.

One of the best ways to ensure your teenagers are going to love your gifts is to take them with you when you go Christmas shopping.

Bree Harding, the Shepparton News parenting expert, believes buying for teenagers can be easier.

“Younger kids change their minds a bunch of times from when they write their wish list to Santa,” she said.

“But with older kids, they understand you will shop in advance, so if they tell you they want something, you can tell them you will buy it.”

If you still want to keep their gifts a secret so they are surprised on Christmas Day, you can let them point out gift ideas and then you can purchase the items without them, so they don’t know what they are getting.

Bree said gift cards, good quality sporting equipment, make-up, good quality skin care products, perfume, power banks, technology and clothes were all great ideas for teenagers — if you haven’t been told what to buy already.

Thinking about the child and what they love can make the decision-making process far easier.

Do they spend a lot of time outdoors? Do they enjoy museums and the library? Maybe they love cooking or playing video games.

If you’re looking for ideas for younger kids, LEGO, sporting equipment, books, sticker sets, craft kits, jewellery kits, bikes and scooters are all going to be winners come Christmas morning, Bree said.