
All-abilities carnival returns to Mooroopna

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Robbie Turbine enjoys the All Abilities Football Carnival at Mooroopna Recreation Reserve in 2022. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Opportunities for all are coming to town.

The Mooroopna All-Abilities Football Netball Carnival is set to return for another year in September.

The event, run by Valley Sport, AFL Goulburn Murray and Netball Victoria, is scheduled for September 4 and registrations are now open for teams and players to join.

Four netball and three football sides have already signed up to participate in the carnival, with Valley Sport expecting more to register in the coming weeks.

Valley Sport project officer Lucy Marino said participants should expect an enjoyable and social day of sport.

“It’s all about fun and having a go,” she said.

“Excitement on the day is really big as well.

“With a little spark of that competitive drive as the participants are always keen to have a win on the board.

“It’s a really fun and inclusive day for everyone to have a go; that’s the main thing.”

Teams can be formed by schools and disability service providers in the Goulburn Valley area, with the carnival set to be held at Mooroopna Recreation Reserve from 10.30am until 1.20pm.

There will be sausages sizzling all day to keep participants well-fed, while the football and netball games will be run simultaneously.

Marino said to expect the courts and oval to be jam-packed as teams from across the region compete and socialise.

“It’s massive,” she said.

“Mainly because this event has been running for (more than nine years).

“The participants come from both local and outside regions, all the way from Echuca and Wimmera.

“Not only is it an opportunity for the participants to practice a sport, but that social inclusion as well.

“They get to see the teams that they haven’t seen for a long time and enjoy catching up and meeting new friends.”

For potential participants, parents or carers who are wondering how to register, contact Valley Sport or visit its Facebook page.

Marino said Valley Sport would ensure every participant got a go.

“No matter your skills or ability, we will find a spot for you on a team,” she said.

“We will do anything that is needed to make sure everyone gets a go on the day.

“Because that’s what it is all about.”