
Around the greens

ClubMulwala Bowls’ President Wade McPherson and Secretary Gary Atkinson at the season opening.

Club Mulwala Bowls


2024/25. Full membership: $100 which includes a free pennant shirt, presentation dinner, entry to all club championship tournaments and courtesy bus to all pennant away games provided by ClubMulwala.

Phone Wade for further information on 0428 227 889.

Pennant Training -

ClubMulwala Bowls’ Eugene Hodgson and Mel Garth playing against Corowa Civic.

Training/coaching will begin from Thursday, September 19 at 3pm. This training will continue each Thursday.

All pennant players are urged to attend. This is a great opportunity to seek advice and refine your bowling skills.

The club is very lucky to have secured such an experienced coach and mentor for bowling community.

Geoff, Club Mulwala’s Bowling Coach has also been offering coaching after Tuesday social bowls.

Working Bee –

A working bee was held last Friday morning. Approximately 25 members helped Gary the greens keeper with preparing the greens for the upcoming season.

A huge thank you to all who attended.

To open the season for ClubMulwala Bowls was Martin Kaine, a new player.

Tuesday Social Bowls-

The weather was lovely on Tuesday, over 30 players taking to the green.

Winners on the day were: Skipper- Wayne Dowsey, 2nd Ann Atkinson and Lead Steve McPhee. All taking home a $25 Club Mulwala Voucher.

Raffle winners were- Judy Laughlin, Mal Beer, and Wade McPherson. All taking home meat platters from sponsors, Hicks Butchery.

Lucky barrel draw was – Malcolm Miller, taking home a Club Mulwala voucher. A coaching session was held at the completion of the game, focusing on short ends, and the art of rolling of the jack.


Tuesday Social Bowls start time will be at 10am each week. Please have your name on the players list no later than 8am Tuesday for the teams to be selected.

Club Mulwala verses Corowa Civic Practice Match -

Club Mulwala travelled to Corowa Civic on Saturday, September 7. The club had a great day at Corowa Civic.

The club found the greens a challenge overall however we won two rinks, a draw and four rinks had a close loss.

This practice match was a great opportunity for the coach and selection committee to observe the team combinations and positions.

Winning rinks on the day were- Skipper Gary Atkinson, 3rd Geoff Bullen, 2nd Nicole McPherson, Lead Heie Hansen.

Skipper Steve McPhee, 3rd Eugene Hodgson, 2nd Mel Garth, Lead Russell Cook.

Upcoming events:

Practice match- Saturday, September 21 at 1pm. Home. Club Mulwala verses Strathmerton. Great old rivals. One of Club Mulwala’s favourite events on the bowling calendar.

Practice Match – Friday, September 27. AFL Grand Final Eve. Home. Club Mulwala verses Berrigan. Start time 4pm.


Wednesday social bowls

A creditable field of 32 players enjoyed the warm early spring weather last Wednesday, September 4.

Both greens were in play and games were played utilising the east / west orientation. The new game format was on display, one game of 22 ends of nominated 3 bowl pairs, which is proving very popular with bowlers.

First prize of $120 went to Vicki and Colin Withers. The winner’s runners up prize, of $60 went to the team of Andy Lefevre and Greg Green.

The consolation prize of $30 went to the pairing of Don Tipping and Noel Millar. Rounding out a successful day, on the prize money front, was Vicki Withers who won the first lucky number prize of $20.

The $10 second lucky number prize went to Chris Horne.

Friday social bowls

The almost summertime temperature of 29 degrees gave the 32 players who shouldered arms for last Friday’s social bowls, an early taste of mid-season pennant weather.

The greens ran well, and players enjoyed the pace that both greens were running.

First prize went to the team of Greg Green and Andy Lefevre.

Second place went to the combo of Mick Reilly and Lynne Baxter, who are making a habit of featuring in the prize money.

The losing rink consolation prize went to the Yarrawonga Bowling Club side of Les Spencer and Mick Crawford.

The first lucky number prize of a drink card, and $20 went to Julian Jones. The second lucky number prize went to Marie Morffew.

YMGCR bowlers forum

A bowlers’ forum will be held this Thursday, September 12 at 10am. The meeting will be held in the meeting hub adjacent to the Golf Club reception desk.

The club would encourage all YMGCR bowlers, who are able to attend, to come along. The bowls committee will present on upcoming social functions, including Opening Day and the bowlers Christmas function.

Bowlers will have the opportunity to participate in in a Q&A session covering a variety of topics relevant to the Bowls Section.

We look forward to seeing as many bowlers as possible at this important information session.

Until next week, good bowling.