
Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre redevelopment: have your say now

The next step for the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre redevelopment project has been announced. Photo by Contributed

Benalla Rural City Council has launched the next step of its Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre redevelopment project.

As part of this process, council and Brand Architects are inviting local sporting groups to provide input on the community infrastructure project.

This information will allow Brand to consider the local areas’ needs in the design process.

Mayor Danny Claridge emphasised the importance of community involvement in this project.

"Your feedback is crucial in shaping a facility that meets the needs of our community now and into the future,“ Cr Claridge said.

"We want to ensure that the new BIRC is where everyone feels welcome."

The launch of the next step follows the recent announcement that $15 million in funding had been secured for the project.

Residents have until September 15 to visit to complete the survey and provide feedback before the consultation period closes.