
Clinic welcomes all aspiring cricketers

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Fun for everyone: The Murray Valley Cricket Association is holding a free cricket skills clinic as the 2023-24 season commences. Photo by Megan Fisher

Calling all aspiring young cricket players.

The Murray Valley Cricket Association is holding a free skills clinic on Sunday, October 1 for anyone considering taking up the much-loved ball-and-bat sport.

The clinic begins at 10am and will wrap up around noon, and is open to boys and girls aged 10 to 16.

Attendees will learn the basics of fielding, wicketkeeping, bowling and batting in a fun environment.

Murray Valley Cricket Association junior development officer Luke Quinn said cricket was a sport where you got the best of both worlds — improved fitness and social interaction.

“It is a fun, inclusive sport which gets you active and making life-long friends,” he said.

Though cricket has traditionally been male-dominated, females are increasingly getting into it.

It is a change that the Murray Valley Cricket Association has embraced wholeheartedly, and Quinn said it encouraged female participation.

“There is a lot more options than there used to be. It’s fun to play,” he said.

And with an eye to the season ahead, Quinn said staff on the day would point attendees to the various clubs in the Murray Valley Cricket Association closest to their homes.

“We’ll make sure there are a few options,” Quinn said.