
Deniliquin Rovers sprint home to tank Tungamah in Picola District Netball League 15-and-under grand final

Deniliquin Rovers' 15-and-under premiership side. Photo by Liam Nash

Deni Rovers was first in, best-dressed to claim the 15-and-under Picola District Netball League premiership by three goals on Saturday.

Deniliquin Rovers' Sienna Elphick dictated play through the midcourt. Photo by Liam Nash

The dew had barely evaporated on the football field at Rennie Recreation Reserve some 50 metres away, but the Rovers were soaking up the spoils as the first action of a magnificent grand final day was all blue and white delight.

Opposition Tungamah was at the coalface all game but couldn’t stoke enough fire to win the match, felled 31-28 following the Rovers’ red-hot showing.

A jubilant Nerisa Wills beamed at the final hooter, Deni’s mentor elated to see her girls reap the rewards of an excellent season.

“It was an amazing game. We knew it was going to be tough because we’d only come up against Tungamah once this year, so we weren’t sure what we were up against,” Wills said.

Deniliquin Rovers' Bae Willis floats one over the top. Photo by Liam Nash

“We were a bit slow in the first half, we were a bit down, but the girls lifted.

“We said just enjoy it - whatever happens, just enjoy the day as it’s a honour to be in a grand final and they brought it so I’m very proud of each and each and every one of them.”

Tungamah's Tayla Mason finds her balance. Photo by Liam Nash
Tungamah's Elli Buerckner sizes up her options. Photo by Liam Nash
Deniliquin Rovers' Ruby Cowley lines up a shot. Photo by Liam Nash

Fans were still spilling through the gates when the initial whistle blew for game-on, but despite the final outcome, Tungamah looked preened and prepared to the umpteenth degree.

The Bears continued to sail along nicely and boasted a 7-5 advantage by quarter time.

While the Rovers struggled to hit their mark, the rampant Bears were busy across the court from post to post.

But Sienna Elphick, Rovers’ pocket rocket, laid down the gauntlet.

Elphick swivelled and swerved through the lanes and fed Ruby Cowley, who converted with consummate ease throughout the third term, edging the Rovers out to a one-goal lead at three quarter time.

Here, Wills’ message was as clear as the day of play.

“Go hard, enjoy the game - if you don’t enjoy it it’s not much fun out there and you can’t do your best,” she said.

“They all had a role to play, they all had a job and they had to play as a team so those were the words and they did it.”

Despite a valiant effort from the Bears, Deniliquin’s unyielding defence and dead-eye dominance proved too much as they secured their win to ignite celebrations among their sea of blue and white-clad fans.

Elphick was heralded as the umpires' standout performer, while Amy Holloway, Bae Willis and Cowley earned praise for their relentless determination and fierce play for the Rovers.