
Determined Saints out to right the wrongs of yesteryear

Natalie Pritchard. Photo by Brenden Paddock


COACH: JO TOMS 2023 FINISH: 11TH (2-16)

2023 was a difficult season for the Saints, with only a couple of wins to their name.

But, when things don’t go your way, the only thing you can do is put your head down and work harder than everyone else.

The Benalla netballers had a short off-season and got straight back into fitness-based training.

A-grade coach Jo Toms described that the Saints were on the rise once again, and the numbers turning up to training is evidence of this.

“We have been training for quite a while,” Toms said.

“We had a nice little break over Christmas and have been training twice a week since mid-January, having a focus on our fitness, selecting our teams, and now working on our team strategy.

“We’ve had some amazing numbers over the month. We’ve got under-15 sback this year, which is really exciting.

“So we’re seeing some previous players come back, we’re seeing new people come to the club, and then some existing people are backing up from last.

“It should be quite a competitive team.

“We’ve got new coaches, with the new team and a really good, strong netball focus, and we’re all working together to get the job done.”