
Excitement follows Commonwealth Games announcement

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Fantastic news: City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali and Independent Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed were thrilled with the announcement of Greater Shepparton’s involvement in the 2026 Commonwealth Games. Photo by Megan Fisher

Shepparton will be a host city of the 2026 Commonwealth Games.

This is the news the entire Greater Shepparton community had been itching to hear after missing out on the initial allocation of events when the Games were announced in April.

The Victorian Government confirmed on Wednesday afternoon the region would play host to a Festival of Cycling, which includes BMX racing and men’s and women’s road racing time trials, as it confirmed the full list of sports for the Games.

Greater Shepparton was a driving force behind the concept of bringing the Games to regional Victoria, launching the idea at a famous press conference at Victoria Park Lake in 2017.

Now officially part of the program and a host city, City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali said the announcement was a long time coming.

“Good things come to those who wait, we’ve been patient, but we’ve also been keeping the pressure on behind the scenes to ensure we haven’t been forgotten about,” Sali said.

“This has been in the pipeline since we first launched the idea of a regional Victoria Commonwealth Games back in 2017, so for it to come to fruition now it is a bit surreal.

“When we launched the concept it was certainly ambitious, but we knew we could be a part of it and knew we could deliver what’s required — we are super pumped.”

This excitement was shared by Independent Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the region was included in the Games.

“I am just delighted we are one of the host cities now, it is certainly something we wanted to be a part of and it is wonderful we now are,” Sheed said.

“(Once the Games were announced) I immediately started talking to government, I invited the minister to come up, we’ve been inspecting possible sites for events, meeting with local government.

“There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes, so it has all worked and it has been a massive community effort to get this over the line for Shepparton.”

As for the benefits these events will bring to the region, Sheed said the possibilities were endless.

“I am hoping we can really build on the region’s standing as a visitation centre, the Games will be here, there will be a major cultural festival, but for promoting both Shepparton and regional Victoria there are so many opportunities.

“I would also love to see the emphasis on sport really highlighted, because so many young people dropped out of sport due to COVID-19.

“There’s an opportunity now to create a whole lot of excitement around a range of sporting activities and to get young people back on board and involved in sport.”

With the Games now only 180 weeks away, Sali said visiting athletes and spectators could expect to be welcomed into the local community with open arms.

“We pride ourselves on being the regional sporting and events capital of Australia and this has put a full stop on the end of that,” Sali said.

“Athletes coming to Shepparton will experience what all our other international guests have had, which is that open door approach.

“They will be welcomed by our friendly community with open arms and there will be many things they will be able to experience once they arrive.”