
Gallery ǀ Benalla Hockey Club report

Benalla’s B-Women’s team: Back: Kiah Atkinson, Suze Wright, Bec Littler, Millie White, Katrina Brown, Mel Gillies, Heather Peate, Sue Trevaskis, Bree Harris. Front: Prue White, Amber Armstrong, Heidi Perry, Sarah Farley, Lee Manning, Donna Turner, Sophie Morton. Photo: Erin Jenkins

GVHA Hockey — Senior Semi Finals

B-Women’s Semi Final — Benalla-SYC vs Strikers:

The B-Women played their best game of the season on Sunday against Strikers, with really gusty play, driving for the ball and second efforts from all players making for a fantastic B-Women’s Semi Final.

All players paid tribute to SYC hockey matriarch, Jean Hocking, mother of Sue and grandmother of Jess and Donna, who sadly passed away on Monday.

She played many hockey finals in her day, and her daughters Sue and Karen wore her blue and yellow ribbons this weekend in celebration of a wonderful life.

Benalla’s game started with a great early goal snuck in by Katrina Brown, assisted by Lucia De Bona and Heidi Perry.

This set the tone of the fast and furious play, with all players stepping it up a notch, and goalie Prue White repelling some super tricky shots.

Full backs Mel Gillies, Beck Littler and Millie White pushed forwards to meet the ball, forcing many turnovers well before the circle and sending the play forwards. Their free hits-out from the 16m also found the gaps.

Half back Amber Armstrong had another stellar game, with her relentless jab tackles at full speed while channelling Strikers players into the sideline.

Halves Lee Manning and Donna Turner ran hard-marking Strikers forwards, stopping their big forward plays.

Kiah Atkinsons’ trademark flat tackles sent Strikers reeling, with her pushing up and using centre-half Sarah Farley who always found good space.

Kiah belted in Benalla’s third goal from a penalty corner.

The third quarter saw Strikers pick up their pace, with a succession of three fast goals after trailing 3:2 at half-time.

Benalla’s forwards continued their pressure, despite flagging slightly in the heat.

Young gun: Benalla’s Kiah Atkinson received JCC North East Knights under-18 girls Most Valuable Player award from GVHA President Cam Druitt. Photo: Lee Manning

Wings Heather Peate and Suze Wright positioned well, alternating with Sue Trevaskis who scored Benalla’s second and fourth goals with quick taps in off the left post.

With such great momentum and teamwork, Benalla was unfortunate to lose 6:4 at the final siren.

Thanks to injured player Bree Harris for coaching, and Sophie Morton for assisting Danielle run the bench.

Umpire best and fairest votes: 3 – Kiah Atkinson, 2 – Amber Armstrong, 1 – Millie White.

Following the game, the Junior Country Championships North East Knights U18 Girls Most Valuable Player award was presented to Kiah Atkinson by GVHA President Cam Druitt.

Junior hockey continues on Thursday evenings at Churchill Reserve, with U7/10s from 4.15 to 5.15, and U12/14/17s from 5.15 to 6.15.

New players always welcome to come and try hockey.

The Benalla Hockey Club Presentation Night will be held at Benalla Bowls Club on Saturday, September 17, from 4pm to 6pm, followed by dinner celebrating the club’s 95th Birthday. Inquiries or RSVPs to

Surging forward: Amber Armstrong outpaces Strikers, with Sarah Farley and Mel Gillies supporting. Photo: Erin Jenkins