Getting more females into golf

Rutherglen Golf Club’s Christie Chandler with aspiring female golfers keen to try One Club Golf.

Rutherglen Golf Club has received a state government grant of $9,000 for its One Club Golf project - to provide more opportunities for women and girls to take part in community sport.

The club’s junior co-ordinator and vice captain Christie Chandler said she’d love to see any age female golfer – especially more juniors and young ladies – go along to the club and try five holes of fast five golf using one club.

With this format, the golf time is reduced from the normal time required using all golf sticks.

“It’s a casual, relaxing environment,” she told The Free Press. “Enjoy the fresh air! Golf is a terrific game. Six young ladies have come in the last three or four months.”

Professional Sandy Jamieson will take the girls and ladies through the exciting format of fast golf – using the one club which is used in a flexible and satisfactory manner.

In making the grant announcement, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes congratulated Rutherglen Golf Club for securing funding in the 2023-24 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program.

“It’s great to see local clubs taking up this opportunity to get more women and girls involved in community sport,” she said.

“Local clubs like Rutherglen Golf Club are integral parts of the community and are great places to make changes for the better.”

The club is one of 20 clubs across northern Victoria to receive grants from the Victorian State Government.

“I thank the state government for the grant, the support of Indigo Shire Council and also support with the application from Sport North East,” Christie said.