
GOTAFE celebrates best farriery students

Tips of the trade: GOTAFE students compete in farriery competitions. Photo: Marcella Jane Larson-Banks Photo by Marcella Jane Larson-Banks

There is always time for horsing when you are an up-and-coming farrier.

Farriery students across Victoria have been recognised for their work throughout the year.

The students’ achievements were celebrated on November 17 at GOTAFE’s Tone Rd, Wangaratta campus.

Students competed in a forging competition in the morning before being joined by their employers for the awards ceremony.

The award winners were as follows:

  • Best Practical Work of the Year — Julian Stubbs.
  • Best Theory Work of the Year — Holley Picken.
  • Most Improved Student — Luke Brady.
  • Perseverance and Dedication Award — Warwick Defoe.

Best First Year Forging Exercise Award

  • First place — Hayden Parker.
  • Second place — Zack Kennedy.
  • Third place — Bradley Brown.

Best Second Year Forging Exercise Award

  • First place — Samantha Storer.
  • Second place — Ambar Balaz-Ashman.
  • Third place — Warwick Defoe.

Best Third Year Forging Exercise Award

  • First place — Julian Stubbs.
  • Second place — Tom Allen.
  • Third place — Cameron McNair.

Best Overall Forging Exercise Award — Julian Stubbs

GOTAFE is known for providing necessary skills to students interested in a career in the equine industry.

This reputation has been further enhanced over the past 12 months, with GOTAFE becoming the sole Victorian provider of the Certificate IV in Farriery course.

Purpose-built facilities funded through the Victorian Government’s Regional and Specialist Training Fund provide about 38 farriery apprentices with the training and equipment needed to be fully qualified in all aspects of the profession.

Co-ordinator of Animal Sciences Skye Rhodes-Mitchell said the awards highlighted the skills students gained at GOTAFE.

“Our students are leaving with skills that will help them as they begin or continue their journey into the farriery industry,” Rhodes-Mitchell said.

“Being the only TAFE in Victoria to offer the Certificate IV in Farriery (ACM40818) is of enormous benefit to the equine industry.

“So much depends on a horse being sound and a well-trained farrier plays an integral part in a horse’s welfare.

“The course is giving students the skills, know-how and confidence so they can engage in any part of the industry.”

From shoe-making to theoretical knowledge of equine anatomy and biomechanics, students like Julian Stubbs are getting real world learning in the classroom.

Julian is completing a Certificate IV in Farriery and won ‘Best Practical Work of the Year’, ‘Best Third Year Forging Exercise’ and ‘Best Overall Forging Exercise’ at GOTAFE’s farriery awards.

“Being the only specialised course in regional Victoria that allows you to pursue such a niche career path made GOTAFE especially appealing,” Jullian said.

“The choice of this career is close to my heart.

“It’s always been in my family; my uncle and my cousin have been mentoring me and showing me the ropes while I learn as well.”

Whether it’s stable management or equine care, GOTAFE can help you ride towards a fulfilling career with these skills.

Those interested in studying at GOTAFE can find out more at: