
Greater Shepparton Active Women and Girls Network set for exciting launch

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Exciting innovation: Inaugural Greater Shepparton Active Women and Girls Network members Sophia Uniacke and Hope Irvine with Valley Sport project officer Lucy Marino.

Greater Shepparton City Council and Valley Sport are teaming up to create an exciting new space for women across the region to become more involved with sport.

Greater Shepparton Active Women and Girls Network is a safe, open and inclusive environment for females of all backgrounds and abilities to come together and explore the wide range of activities sport has to offer.

With a major emphasis on networking, the program will be an opportunity to work together addressing, improving and trialling innovative approaches that aim to improve sport and recreation participation for women and girls.

Set to launch on Wednesday, March 8 — which is International Women’s Day — Valley Sport project officer Lucy Marino said it was incredibly exciting to debut this program.

“We are really looking forward to bringing together a group of like-minded change-makers that are eager to learn and work together to enact change for sport and recreation,” Marino said.

“We are especially looking to create a diverse and inclusive network that aims to represent our whole community.”

With that goal of diversity and inclusiveness in mind, the program is open to anybody over the age of 16, and caters for people of all backgrounds, demographics, abilities, sporting codes and recreation settings.

Marino explained how she envisaged the program would look and the benefits it would have for the community.

“It’s a bit of a loose set-up where the group, once it has been established, can take ownership of the sessions themselves and take the network down their own path so to speak,” she said.

“There will be two components to the program, with our face-to-face meetings set to give people a chance to interact in person and create new relationships, while we also have the online side of it where we can keep sharing opportunities and provide more instant updates.

“There are so many possibilities with this program and we cannot wait to see it come to life.”

To join the inaugural Greater Shepparton Active Women and Girls Network you can register your expression of interest at Or give Lucy Marino a call at Valley S port on 5831 8456 or email

The inaugural session will take place on Wednesday, March 8 from 5pm.