
GVL’s 30-year partnership with ONE FM comes to an end

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Partnership over: ONE FM will not be broadcasting the GVL in 2022. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

The sounds of the Goulburn Valley League will not be heard on the airwaves of ONE FM in 2022, with the station announcing on Tuesday its 30-year partnership with the league had come to an end.

ONE FM voiced its disappointment regarding this decision in a press release, where it outlined its attempts to get in contact with the league.

The station said it, along with all GVL clubs, were informed of the decision during the Labor Day long weekend where the league confirmed this year’s competition ‘’will not be broadcast on ONE FM’’.

“After months of attempting to discuss the GVL radio and media coverage for 2022 with league operations and the board was completely ignored, an inexplicable decision was made by the league to end a proud partnership lasting almost 30 years,” the statement read.

“After successfully covering the competition without issue for almost 30 years, ONE FM broadcast partners, staff and volunteers are left confused and heartbroken as to why it has been dumped by the GVL on the eve of the start of the 2022 season.”

ONE FM went on to claim league management was ‘‘refusing to discuss the reason behind the decision’’, and it was ‘’left in the dark’’ about the situation despite ‘‘countless attempts to contact league board members’’.

The league released a statement on Tuesday afternoon in response to ONE FM’s claims, where it explained the details of an Expression of Interest (EOI) process for broadcasting rights for the 2022 season.

“As with any board, it is incumbent on us to continually review how we do things to ensure best value for all of our stakeholders,” the statement read.

“With this in mind in November 2021 the board undertook a review of the GVL’s media services and as a result called for expressions of interest for various services, so that an assessment of what was out in the market could be made.

“The EOI closed on 17 December 2021, and several submissions were received.”

The league said it did not receive an EOI from ONE FM until January 20, three weeks after its revised deadline.

“Given that ONE FM were the existing partner an extension was granted until 24 December 2021 to make their submission. This was received on 20 January 2022,” the league said.

“All submissions were reviewed and graded against key criteria by a board subcommittee and their findings presented to the full board for consideration.

“During this review it was decided not to pursue the ONE FM offer and ONE FM were advised.”

With the season now less than three weeks away, the league said further announcement about the its plan for broadcasting in 2022 would be detailed within the coming days.

ONE FM also took the chance to thank the community, stating that broadcasting the GVL for the past 30 years has been ‘‘an honour and a privilege’’.

“What an amazing relationship it has been, spanning three decades, including quality broadcasts of hundreds of games and thousands of interviews with players, coaches and volunteers from all 12 GVL clubs,” the station said.

“So many memories will remain with GVL fans, players and their families across the Goulburn Valley and beyond who sadly say goodbye to an award-winning coverage.”