Hospice’s tenth annual event

Dropout Ambrose event winners with a sizzling 61 nett was the home team of Joy Gamble, Sue Purser, Anna Castles and Krys Bridgeman.

Numbers may be declining a little but Peninsula Home Hospice’s 2024 golf classic at Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort is a winner.

It was the tenth annual golf classic and featured plenty of those “something special” aspects to the classic and mid-week dinner.

As reported in last week’s edition of the Yarrawonga Chronicle, there is always a most interesting address by the guest speaker and there are always the regulars including Michael Tuck and Bob Murray.

The recently completed 2023 classic was well received by the approximate 100 golfers and diners. “It certainly was a great night, almost like a family celebration. Everyone was just so friendly and happy,” organiser Pat Randall commented about the dinner on May 31.

“My sincere thanks to the MC for the evening Dario Prighel and of course to the amazing auctioneer Chris McNamara. Chris was just so good, he has been booked for the 2024 Classic which will be the tenth anniversary of this event.

“It was also so good to see so many members of the resort playing and having such fun and even taking home several trophies, which included Vivian Spilva, Kyrs Bridgeman, Anna Castles and Joy Gamble when they partnered Melbourne and Sydney participants.”

Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort CEO Peter Savy said the club looks forward to next year’s milestone anniversary.