Infrastructure funds available for district cricket clubs

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Get in now: Applications for the Community Cricket Program's third innings are now open. Photo by Rodney BRaithwaite

Victorian cricket clubs could be in for a mid-season boost, with Cricket Australia announcing it is re-opening applications for the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF).

Clubs can apply for up to $30,000 in major funding and $10,000 in minor grants for community cricket facility projects, or up to 50 per cent of the project’s total cost.

The fund aims to grow participation and promote greater access for cricketers and Cricket Victoria chief executive Nick Cummins encouraged Victorian cricket stakeholders to make the most of the opportunity.

“Victoria has consistently been an outstanding performer in the ACIF applications — in terms of the number of applications received and the investment that has been put back into Victorian clubs and facilities,” Cummins said.

“We all know the difference great facilities make to our cricket experience. Whether it’s new or revitalised nets or a pavilion given a new lease on life, these projects can have a transformative impact on local participation, club profile and the assets councils have for their communities.”

The ACIF has contributed $4.11 million to 181 Victorian clubs since its launch in 2018, supporting the construction of new training nets, upgrading pavilions and redeveloped playing surfaces.

It’s part of a push by Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricketers’ Association to continue developing facilities that provide a welcoming environment for all players, officials, volunteers and fans.

Applications close on Friday, March 11. Clubs can apply through the Cricket Victoria grant portal.