
Julie Cameron takes Cobram Cricket Club reins

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New president: Julie Cameron (right) will steer the Cobram Cricket Club into the future, pictured here with former president Paul Hyde (left) and Mark Gepp MP (centre).

For the first time in its history the Cobram Cricket Club will have a female president with Julie Cameron taking the reins.

A long-time supporter of the club, Cameron brings a wealth of experience to the role having been secretary for the last six years.

Cameron’s family has also been involved in the club for some time, with her children starting their junior cricket in Cobram, husband Geoff Cameron holding the presidency for eight years and her grandchildren now being involved with the club.

“Our outgoing president (Paul Hyde) asked me if I would be interested and I thought ‘well yeah, yeah I would’ and here I am,” Cameron said.

Cameron explained that the club was in a good spot at the moment both on and off the field.

“All our senior grades were very competitive last year, they almost all made the finals, we missed out on one grade which was the under-16s,” Cameron said.

“We’ve got a really strong group of players from the juniors right up until the seniors so I’m hoping to get some more premierships this season.”

She said the club had been moving in the right direction, with a new electronic scoreboard installed and upgrades to toilet and shower facilities set to have a positive impact on female participation.

“It’s not a male-dominated sport any more and there are more and more girls getting involved,” she said.

“It would be great to see a girls competition started, numbers are not quite there yet but they’re sort of stronger in the younger grades.

“If there were more competitions in the area we could build on that and push them towards more pathways in that sort of way, in the country you’re a bit limited because you have those sort of opportunities in the city but I think they’re trying to build.

“I’m just looking forward to getting it all started and looking forward to the season.”