
Mathoura answers the call to save club

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Purple pride: The Timbercutters will go on in 2022, with crucial committee roles filled. Photo by steve Huntley

Mathoura Football Netball Club will compete in 2022, after a crisis meeting secured crucial committee members for the besieged Timbercutters.

Fifty people packed into the Mathoura Business Centre on Wednesday night in an effort to save the club, which sat on the brink of withdrawal from Picola District Football Netball League with no committee appointed.

But the Timbercutters will go on after their call for help was answered, filling 11 roles across the executive and general committees.

Melyssa Banks, 2018 and 2019 club president and C-grade netball coach, has returned to the helm of the club following the departure of Andrew Pridham.

Banks will be joined by vice-president Richie Jachim, secretaries Cindy Falzon and Janine O’Callaghan, junior vice-president Brodie Unwin and treasurer Lisa Aked.

The general committee includes Molly Unwin, Ian and Blake Teach, Fiona Thomas, Katrina Whipple and Mark Fisher.

“I had full confidence that we would be able to fill the committee and the executive positions last night,” Banks said.

“I had confidence in the town to do that. For them to pull together and do it was fantastic.

“I have to thank them for all their hard work.

“The fact we can get the committee together now and can start moving towards getting a team together and playing this year will be fantastic.

“We’re very hopeful and very positive.

“To have the faith of the community and the footy club in me is an honour — again.’’

For the Mathoura committee, however, the work begins in earnest with Mathoura still on the hunt for a senior football coach and only five players currently on the senior list.

Banks is confident her team will be equal to the task; it is relying on an equal mix of incoming senior faces and the club’s talented thirds football side to fly the flag.

“The main challenge we have at the moment is players,” Banks said.

“Obviously if you don’t have a senior team, you can’t play. Hopefully we can get some senior players in and have a good crack at the year.

“We’re calling out for anyone who wants to have a game, training is next Thursday night followed by a barbecue.

“If we can (get) some new people in and some old people back, players that have left if they happen to come back or if we can get new people or some of the thirds to step up.

“We’re pretty confident in the thirds as well, they’re pretty handy.”