
Mooroopna Golf Club’s ‘Chip In 4 Craig’ fundraiser hailed a massive success by Craig Prothero

Grateful: Craig Prothero and his wife Kirsty Prothero at Sunday’s ‘Chip in 4 Craig’ fundraiser at Mooroopna Golf Club. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

“The community of Shepparton should be proud of themselves for how they support people.”

Those words of gratitude belong to Craig Prothero, who was blown away after seeing more than 150 people flock to Mooroopna Golf Club for Sunday’s ‘Chip In 4 Craig’ fundraiser.

Prothero rolled around the course greeting faces ― some familiar, others not ― as they assembled to raise money for their beloved club manager, who was diagnosed with Giant Cell Glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer, earlier this year.

It didn’t matter if they stayed for a putt, pot or 18 holes.

It’s all in the hips: Craig McIntyre. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
A O-Kaye: Kaye Faulkner. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
High and handsome: Marg Hennery. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Winding up: Bron Hockey. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Special day: Craig Prothero, Christine Griffin and Kirsty Prothero. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Straight as an arrow: John Beaver. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
All smiles: Di Madill, Liam Donovan and Di Newman. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Off the tee: Travis Ryan. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Whack: Wayne Tonks. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Having a blast: Charlie Prothero, Will Griffin, Will Prothero, Caleb Enders and Zac Wallace. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Down the fairway: Greg Freer. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Ready to rip: Darren Humphrey. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Going long: Annette Gallagher. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Boom town: Lachlan Coates. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Seeing the swathes of golfers lining the fairways, a kind reminder of his lasting impact, was “overwhelming” in Prothero’s eyes.

“The field was full and there were still people trying to get in,” he said.

“You sort of forget from being at the club so long, the connections I’ve made with members and businesses around town, and throughout the state really.

“We had border clubs donating packages for golf and different things like that. It was just a fantastic day.”

Mooroopna Golf Club president Paul Prosser backed up Prothero’s sentiment, noting it was all hands on deck to make Sunday memorable.

Members from the bowls club hopped on the barbecue, volunteers sold raffle tickets: everyone really did chip in for Craig.

“The response was excellent; people stayed around right until the end with the raffle and the golf presentation which was good,” Prosser said.

“It was just a good day by all, there was just a lot of love.”

Though he decided not to have a hit, Prothero jumped in a cart and did the rounds throughout the day, catching up with those who’d made the effort to show some support.

And it’s to them and the countless others who’ve donated to his GoFundMe page or simply sent a message of support, who he’s so grateful to.

“I just wanted to thank everyone that was involved with getting it going ... I really appreciate the support I’m receiving,” he said.

“I’m getting donations through our GoFundMe page from people who I may have had a little bit of contact, and then there’s some people who I don’t even know who they are.”

ˑ Prosser said that anyone wishing to make a donation could still do so through the Mooroopna Golf Club account ― BSB: 083 894 ACC: 50 773 9410.