
Picola District League and AFL Victoria yet to agree on new affiliation agreement

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Butting heads: AFL Victoria and Picola District Football Netball League are yet to reach an affiliation agreement for next season. Photo by Megan Fisher

The football and netball landscape in the region is on the verge of another major shake-up following reports Picola District Football Netball League may not be affiliated with governing body AFL Victoria for the 2023 season.

The two organisations are at loggerheads over details in the next affiliation agreement — which had a deadline to be signed off and agreed on last Friday, November 18.

The Picola District League and AFL Victoria have been in discussions to try and find a resolution and they both want there to be an affiliation status.

The league said it was concerned with some of the stipulations in the affiliation agreement.

AFL Goulburn Murray region manager Shaun Connell confirmed to the Shepparton News on Monday that no agreement had been reached by the deadline and explained what the next step would be.

“From our end we didn’t receive confirmation from the league around affiliation so we’ve notified them and the clubs that was the case,” Connell said.

“Our process from here will be to invite the clubs to a meeting to seek clarification on any matters they have brought forward to us over the past couple of weeks.

“We hope that will empower the clubs into making the decisions that they need to consider moving forward.”

League operations manager Shane Railton stressed the league wished to be affiliated with the governing body, however, more dialogue had to take place between the two entities.

“Our position is that we do not want to step back from our affiliation with AFL Victoria,” Railton said last week.

“They (AFL Victoria) have some non-negotiables in the affiliation agreement and those relate to the salary cap and points system ... we’re going to try our best to get an outcome.

“We will continue to explore all opportunities, we won’t close the door on affiliation.”

However, the current situation has already impacted one Picola District League club.

Tocumwal was provisionally suspended from the league in October and has been shut off from being involved in any official league meetings.

The Bloods were issued a suspension by the league following a meeting with their fellow member clubs about the threat of non-affiliation with AFL Victoria.

The league’s administration was not invited to the meeting, which was initiated by Tocumwal, but was notified that the meeting would take place.

Tocumwal president Matthew Petersen told The News last week that the club wanted to remain in an affiliated league.

“We are just trying to do what’s best for our club, our players, our volunteers and for our fellow clubs as well,” Petersen said.

“We want to play in a league that is affiliated with AFL Victoria, we feel that’s the best way forward for our club and that it’s important for not just Tocumwal, but for other clubs too.

“The other thing is due to this suspension, we effectively have no voice within the league which is problematic in itself.

“All of this political divide burns out our volunteers, our players and our supporters.”

Despite being on the outer at league level, Petersen said the club enjoyed being a member club of the Picola District League and that discussions between the club and league were ongoing.

He expected the suspension to end “in a short time”.

“From our perspective we very much enjoy playing in the Picola league,” Petersen said.

“The situation (between us) is amicable, but it’s very disappointing that it’s continued for this long. I am confident that it will be resolved by the end of the year and not flow into 2023.”