
Redbacks and Kookaburras secure thrilling victories in table tennis

It has been a exciting week of table tennis in Benalla. Photo by Contributed

Benalla Table Tennis Club


The Redbacks, William Tong and Flynn Mosley, won 3-2 over Shaun Murphy and Logan Hyland of the Plovers.

Shaun started the night with a four-set win over William, and then Flynn beat Logan in straight sets.

The Redbacks won the doubles in three sets. Shaun beat Flynn in straight sets, and William beat Logan to secure the win.

The Owls, Stephen Lane and Paul Shea, played against John Holschier and Julien Timmins of the Kookaburras.

Stephen had a hard-fought win from two sets down to beat John in five.

Julien won his match against Paul in four sets, and then Kookaburras won a five-set doubles match.

Holschier defeated Shea in four sets, and Stephen had a four-set win over Julien to give the Kookaburras a 3-2 win.

The Yellowbellies, Gareth Burnell and Stephen Mahon, lost 4-1 to Brian Harrington and Christian Squires of the Galahs.

Brian beat Gareth in three sets in the opening singles, and Stephen won in three against Christian.

The Galahs then won an enthralling doubles match in five close sets.

Brian beat Stephen in three sets in the reverse singles, and Christian beat Gareth in four.

The Crocodiles, Sienna Bajada and Phil Keast, had a 4-1 victory over the Kangas, Rob Erskine and Michelle Feldtmann.

In the opening singles, Sienna beat Rob in four sets, and Michelle showed her class by beating Phil in four sets.

The Crocodiles won the doubles in four sets.

Afterwards, Sienna fought hard to beat Michelle in five tight sets, and Phil won in straight sets against Rob.

The Possums, Wayne Phillips and Patrick Cornell, lost 2-3 to the Taipans, John Bajada and Xavier Rhodes.

John got some revenge against his grand final opponent, Wayne, by winning in four sets, and Patrick won a tight five-set match against Xavier.

The Taipans won the doubles in straight sets, before Wayne beat Xavier in four sets and John beat Patrick in three.


The Bullants, Elliot McCallum and John Chiswell, won 3-2 against Pauline Hooper and Rae Spencer of the Wombats.

In the opening sets, Elliot beat Rae in four sets, and Pauline won in straight sets over John.

The Bullants won the doubles in five sets before Pauline defeated Elliot in four sets and John beat Rae in three.

The Gliders, Wesley Shea and John Spencer, won 3-2 over Carol Perry and Bill Sharp of the Crickets.

Wesley beat Carol in three sets, and Bill had a three-set win over John in the opening singles.

The Gliders then won the doubles in five sets before Wesley won a four-set match against Bill, and Carol won an epic five-set match against John; the last two sets were 11-13, 13-11.

It was a 3-2 victory for the Numbats, Graeme Sharp and Gavin Hunt, when they played the Rosellas, Mehdi Zamani and Chris Seedy.

Graeme beat Mehdi in five sets, while Gavin won in straight sets against Chris.

The Numbats won the doubles in four sets before Chris beat Graeme in four sets, and Mehdi won an excellent five-set match against Gavin, with the scores being 10-12, 11-9,12-10, 11-13, 12-10.

The Cockies, Chris Goode and Jorge Abaunza, won 4-1 against the Mozzies, Brian Perry and Daniel Wright. Chris won in straight sets against Brian. Daniel won in three against Jorge. The Cockies won the doubles in four sets. Chris beat Daniel in three, and Jorge had a straight-sets win over Brian.


The Magpies, Greg Cornell and Andrew Morris, played against the Falcons, Beth Grant and Peter Cruickshanks.

Greg beat Beth in four sets, and Peter beat Andrew in five.

The doubles were tied, but the Falcons then forfeited, giving the Magpies a 4-1 victory.

The Doves, Jack Erickson and Andy Donaldson, won 3-2 over the Eagles, Saasha Silva and Brendan Kipping.

Saasha beat Jack in four sets, and Andy won in five sets against Brendan to start the match.

The Doves then won the doubles in four sets before Andy won in straight sets over Saasha, and Brendan beat Jack in four sets.

The Crows, Andrea Cathcart and Josh Kirley, won 4-1 against the Jays, Christine Nicholas and Lily Kipping.

Christine beat Andrea in four sets, and Josh defeated Lily in straight sets.

The Crows won the doubles in three sets.

Josh won in five sets over Christine, and Andrea won in three sets over Lily to secure the win.