
Rochester rings up 2024 netball coaching staff

Familiarity: Linda Rasmussen once again takes the helm at Rochester alongside Rachel Whipp. Photo by Bruce Povey

Rochester’s netball coaching stocks are firmly locked in ahead of another Goulburn Valley League season.

In unconventional fashion the Tigers elected to name each new coach ― or coaches, as we’ll get to ― almost simultaneously, preserving significant stability within the club’s staff.

Linda Rasmussen and Rachel Whipp, who have recommitted to the A-grade co-coaching positions, will be at the forefront of Rochester’s push for further success.

Despite a negative goal difference, the A-grade Tigers finished with a positive ledger, boasting a 9-1-8 record that placed them seventh in the 2023 campaign, three games out of finals in a polarised competition.

Whipp and Rasmussen recommit to their roles in a time where co-coaching has become the predominant trend among clubs throughout the Goulburn Murray region.

“We’ve got a good young group of girls coming through and we’re excited for next year,” Rasmussen said.

“I know Rach and I work quite well as a team and we’re pretty excited about what our girls can bring.

“It’s always hard to get people to put their hand up and take on coaching roles because everyone’s so busy, but it gives you some extra support and someone to bounce ideas off.”

Whipp’s mindset was in total alignment.

“We’ve got a wonderful group of girls. We beat all three Shepparton teams this year, which is a first for Rochester in a very long time,” Whipp said.

“It’s good to have two sets of eyes on the court, but also a bit of family balance as well when you’ve got two people who are parents to young children.

“Linda’s more of a defensive type of coach and I’m more attack-minded, so we work well with each other.”

One member of their A-grade roster will continue to have her hands full elsewhere during the season, with top-level skipper Ella Roulston reclaiming the reins of the 17-and-under squad.

The B-grade will also be operated through one central figure only, with Kristy Roulston reinstated to take charge of a side that found its way to the semis in 2023.

Rochester’s lower-grade appointments provoke a difficult question: we’ve often seen two people sign up together, but what exactly do you call a group of three coaches?

The term ‘co-co-coaches’ comes to mind, though it seems somewhat derivative of Ralph Wiggum’s infamous Valentine’s Day card for Lisa Simpson. “I co-co-coach you?”

That question will be one of many for Rochester’s trio of B-reserve coaches to answer as Bridgette McCarty, Maddy Holt and Tess Ringin step up to take charge.