
Saints need saviours as new season approaches

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Heating up: Benalla has issued an urgent SOS, calling for players and members to join the club and plug the growing shortage. Photo by Megan Fisher

Could the death knell be sounding at Benalla?

The club has issued an urgent SOS via Facebook this week, stating it is “at a crossroads” with the new season fast approaching.

The club’s football sides, according to the post, which has received more than 100 shares, “have been decimated with an abnormal amount of off-season departures’’.

“In normal circumstances we would expect to see some players leave through retirement, relocation for careers, and that a number of players coming out of Under 18s and finishing school would leave town to attend university,” the post reads

“Unfortunately this year we have had more than normal attrition.”

The Saints, who compete in the Goulburn Valley League, were founded in 1871, and have come to be known as a pillar of the Benalla community and its surrounds.

This was something stressed by president Lloyd Johnson on Sunday night, when he provided an update to Saints followers via Facebook.

“Benalla Saints has an important place in our sporting community,” Johnson said.

“No Saints means no under-18 football for our juniors progressing into senior football, just as an example of the potential impacts.”

Signs of promise came early in the off-season for the Saints, when long-term Benalla clubmen Will Martiniello and Mark Mackenzie threw their hands up to coach in 2022.

The club has also made a number of notable player re-signings, with former player-coach Jake Pallpratt, Jordan Wolff, Chris Welsh and rising star nominee James Davies committing to the club for this year.

However, it hasn’t been enough and with a number of departures during the off-season, the club has been on the hunt for recruits, only to be hampered by COVID-19 impacts and uncertainty.

“With high numbers of players leaving it is very hard to recruit players. Our coaches have been trying, but unsuccessful to date,” the club statement reads.

“Since the end of the shortened 2021 season, we have been actively seeking our players to recommit for 2022 after the past two COVID-affected seasons, only to have them leave seeking change by playing in other leagues.

“Many players who have left the club have made the comment I will be back in a year or two. Unfortunately, with our current situation the club may not be here for their return.

“Once a club is gone history tells us they do not come back.”

The club also expressed concerns over its netball participation, which faces similar challenges.

“Netball is in very similar position with many players yet to commit, we have two of arguably the best coaches in country league netball. Yet despite this we have struggled with numbers in all of our pre-season sessions to date.”

For the Saints’ committee the next few months will be telling, with a crisis meeting for all those associated with the club expected to be called in the coming weeks.