
The Nationals commit to new netball courts at Violet Town Football Netball Club

Full support: The Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has announced funding to upgrade Violet Town’s netball courts if elected this month.

The Nationals have committed $55,000 toward new netball courts at Violet Town Football Netball Club if elected to government this month.

The funds would be used to revamp the club’s ailing courts which were built decades ago.

Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland announced the funding on Monday and said a much-needed upgrade was required for a number of reasons.

“Locals have indicated that these investments are vital and I’m committed to delivering them,” Cleeland said.

“The courts here are cracked, outdated and dangerous, particularly when the heavens open throughout the netty season.

“Netballers from across the region will be incredibly excited about pencilling in a trip to Violet Town through the season with a sensational new surface.

“The Nationals Regional Infrastructure Guarantee ensures there’s money in the budget for these really simple, but welcome local upgrades.”

Cleeland’s announcement comes after The Nationals’ funding pledges for Benalla’s Indoor Recreation Centre and for several other local sporting clubs in recent weeks.

“This announcement sits alongside many great local sporting projects already set to be funded by The Nationals in government,” Cleeland said.

“We’ve committed to multi-million dollar upgrades at Seymour FNC and Murchison-Toolamba FNC, as well as $10 million for a new Benalla stadium and upgrades to Longwood Recreation Reserve.

“Sport is crucial to the health and wellbeing of our regional communities and these investments will make a real difference for our budding athletes and tireless volunteers.

“Many sporting clubs haven’t received a helping hand in decades and are well overdue for a bit of support from the government.”