
Calls to sign water buybacks petition

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Berrigan Shire Council chief executive officer Karina Ewer. Photo by Contributed

Berrigan Shire Council is calling on residents to join forces in supporting a ‘critical’ petition about water buybacks led by NSW State Member for Murray Helen Dalton.

The petition aims to protect regional and remote communities from the impacts of Commonwealth water buybacks.

The petition seeks 10,000 signatures and calls on the NSW Government to halt any water transfers until a thorough and transparent report is provided on the potential economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts on local communities.

Residents can sign the petition at the council’s Berrigan office or libraries.

Berrigan Shire Council chief executive officer Karina Ewer said water buybacks conducted without thorough socio-economic assessments were “deeply concerning”.

She urged all Berrigan Shire residents to act and support this vital cause.

“Council, along with our fellow Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation councils and communities across the basin, stands united in our determination to avoid being pushed to the edge of an economic crisis,” Ms Ewer said.

“This is not the first time Berrigan Shire Council has publicly called out the severe impacts these buybacks will have on our community.

“We will continue to make noise until we are heard in parliament. Please sign the petition and ensure our voices are not ignored.”