
Dalton pushed to pass water bill

Helen Dalton

An historic law that will stop money-laundering and end the secret buying up of Australian water by foreign buyers, passed into NSW law on October 15.

The Water Management Amendment Bill was a Private Members Bill put forward by State Member for Murray Helen Dalton, and ultimately supported by the Minns Government.

“The water register that this bill creates will mean that we will now finally know who is buying and selling water in NSW,” Ms Dalton said

“For too long, it’s been too easy for criminals to launder the proceeds of crime by buying and selling water that should be used for farming.

“And at the same time we have had anonymous foreign buyers purchasing NSW water for reasons they are not required to explain," Ms Dalton said.

“Thanks to this bill, all that will end.”

Ms Dalton thanked the NSW Water Minister Rose Jackson for helping turn this Private Members Bill into law.

“Rose listened, and she understood what was at stake,” Ms Dalton said.

“I believe she played a critical role in helping the premier and his government understand how much our state needed this water register.

“I note in her speech Rose called me “tenacious" and “determined”. I think that may be a polite way of saying I can be in a pain in the you know what when I’m fighting for things I think are important.”