
Fish and native vegetation to benefit from Goulburn flows

Water for the environment will be delivered down the Goulburn River in spring to promote the growth of native bank vegetation.

Water for the environment will be released into the Goulburn River in spring to promote the growth of native plants, which will help stabilise banks.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority environmental water and wetlands manager Simon Casanelia said the annual water release was called the ‘Goulburn River spring fresh’, and was expected to run from September 14 to October 20.

“Environmental water will greatly benefit native vegetation by wetting the river’s banks and then receding, encouraging new growth,” Mr Casanelia said.

“Establishing the bank vegetation is a high priority this year as there have been several lengthy inundation periods in recent seasons that have reduced the diversity and amount of riverbank vegetation.

“Without this vegetation growth in spring the bank stays bare and is more prone to damage.

“This delivery of water for the environment helps long-term stabilisation of the riverbanks as native grasses, sedges, rushes and flood-tolerant native species will grow and thrive at this time of year. The roots of the plants help stabilise the bank.”

Mr Casanelia said this delivery of water for the environment would also increase habitat and food resources for native fish, platypus and waterbugs.

“Because fish are more actively migrating and spawning in spring, there is great value in the spring fresh, even with the high winter flows we’ve had.”

Mr Casanelia said the spring fresh was expected to benefit the whole length of the Goulburn River downstream of Lake Eildon.

It will begin with a peak flow of about 9500 Ml/day at Trawool and Shepparton, before slowly dropping back to about 1000 Ml/day later in October.

Peak flows will be well below minor flood levels along the Goulburn River.

At Trawool, the river will reach 2.5m — the minor flood level is 4m. At Shepparton, the river will reach 5.6m — the minor flood level is 9.5m.

Timing and height of the fresh may vary depending on natural flows in the river. Delivery of water for the environment will reduce or stop if there is any flood risk.

Water for the environment is water allocated and managed to improve the health of rivers, wetlands and floodplains.

Mr Casanelia said research and monitoring clearly demonstrated water for the environment was improving the health of the Goulburn River.

Environmental flows are planned by Goulburn Broken CMA in consultation with the local community, river ecologists, Goulburn-Murray Water, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

To check how water for the environment changes flows in the Lower Goulburn River, view the hydrograph on Goulburn Broken CMA’s website (updated weekly):