
Northern Victorian storages high

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Lake Eppalock.

Lake Eppalock was holding 86 per cent of capacity as of September 20.

Releases were being made at 310 megalitres per day to meet the minimum passing flows and deliver water from the inter-valley trade account to the Murray system, according to G-MW.

Releases are expected to remain around this rate until mid-September before increasing to meet an environmental order.

Inflows to the storage were about 35 Ml/day.

Eildon was holding about 89.2 per cent on September 20.

Inflows to the storage were running at about 3180 Ml/day based on the flows in the tributaries upstream of the storage.

Releases were being made at 2000 Ml/day and have been gradually reducing.

G-MW expected them to remain around the current rate.

Releases are expected to increase around mid-September to meet an environmental order for higher flows.

Release requirements will be dependent on catchment conditions at the time.

Across the southern Murray-Darling Basin, storages are holding about 83 per cent of capacity, compared to relatively high 94 per cent capacity at the same time last year.

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting above average rainfall over the next three weeks and close to average maximum temperatures.