
Risk of spill keeps falling

Lake Eildon. Photo by Contributed

The risk of spill has continued to decline in the Murray, Goulburn and Campaspe systems, but remains above the 10 per cent threshold needed to make a low risk of spill declaration.

“Flows into the major storages were well below average during August,” northern Victoria resource manager Mark Bailey said.

“This trend has continued into September. When combined with water released to meet downstream demand, the risk of spill at Lake Hume, Lake Eildon and Lake Eppalock has reduced.

“The risk of spill from Victoria’s share of Lake Hume in the Murray system is 70 per cent. At Lake Eildon in the Goulburn system, the risk of spill is 45 per cent.

“The risk of spill at Lake Eppalock in the Campaspe system is 50 per cent.”

Dr Bailey said the risk of spill is a water accounting assessment and does not describe flood risks or the chances of flooding this season.

As the risk of spill from Victoria’s share of Hume and Dartmouth is currently greater than 50 per cent, allocation trade from NSW to Victoria is not possible. The volume available for trade is updated monthly with each risk of spill announcement.

The risk of spill in the Murray, Goulburn and Campaspe systems in 2024-25 will be updated on Thursday, October 10.

For information about the resource manager’s regulated water systems, including seasonal determinations and resource availability, visit:

Victorian shares of Murray storages can be found on the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s website at: