Whats On

Make a beeline to makers market

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Jams and preserves will be available at the Uniting Church Makers Market. Photo by Megan Fisher


This is just what you will find at the Echuca Moama Uniting Church’s Winter Makers market.

Echuca Moama Uniting Church fundraising team leader Anne Peace would like to welcome locals and visitors alike to the church’s winter makers market.

“There will be our famous cake stall,” Anne said.

“Our members are very, very good at baking.

“They take great delight in cooking all types of sponges, scones and slices, which are all packaged up beautifully and ready to sell.

“There will be plants, plant hangers, local honey, jams and preserves as well.

“Inside the church hall will be stalls with gifts, crafts and our pre-loved bookstore.”

The market will be full of handmade goods, local produce and gifts for everyone, whether you are looking for a little something for yourself or a present for a loved one.

To top it off, because it is the Echuca Moama Uniting Church’s Winter Makers market, the ever popular hot dog stall will be returning.

“The hot dog stall goes really well each winter,” Anne said.

Funds raised through the sale of the hot dogs helps the church in supporting the community.

The church is also a popular music venue with local, national and international musicians holding concerts there.

Upcoming acts include the Savoy Singers, “which are always popular,” Anne said.

The group is performing at the church on Sunday, June 25.

They will be singing works by superstars such as Burt Bacharach, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hammerstein.

The church will be filled with the sounds of all the modern classics.

On Sunday, July 16 flautist Katie Kim and pianist Ed Chan will be performing.

They will take the audience on a journey through some of the most popular pieces of music written for the flute and piano.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for both performances.

Echuca Moama Uniting Church Winter Makers Market is on Saturday, June 10 from 9am to 1pm.