Russian missile 'kills one' as Ukraine strikes Crimea

Ukrainian soldiers
Ukrainian soldiers in the country's east have faced the most intense fighting with Russian forces. -AP

A Russian missile strike has hit a nine-storey residential building in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro, killing at least one person and injuring six others, officials say.

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko warned the death toll would likely rise as more people remained trapped in the building where four upper storeys collapsed as a result of the attack.

A photograph published by Governor Serhiy Lysak on the Telegram messaging app and other images circulated on social media showed a badly damaged building that had smoke rising from a gaping hole in its upper storeys.

A seven-month-old infant was among the injured, Lysak added.

Three people were in severe condition.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on Ukraine's allies to step up supplies of air defences to help the military intercept Russia's regular aerial attacks.

Dnipro, which had a pre-war population of almost one million people, is a major Ukrainian city that lies on the road to the east of the country where the most intense fighting with Russian forces is raging.

It has been regularly targeted by missile and drone strikes since Russia launched its February 2022 invasion.

Russia denies targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure but thousands of people have been killed.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has appealed to allies to supply air defences. (EPA PHOTO)

The Ukrainian defence ministry said on Friday the Ukrainian military destroyed the Russian space communication centre in occupied Crimea in an attack this week.

In a statement on Telegram, the ministry described the target as a valuable military component in satellite communication and navigation system for Russian troops.

Reuters could not independently verify the statement.

On Monday, local social media chats reported explosions near the village of Vitino on the Crimean peninsula where the centre is located.