Trump visits Pennsylvania amid key states poll edge

Donald Trump
Donald Trump is expected to rally voters in the town of Indiana in Pennsylvania. -AP

Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail and expected to travel to the swing state of Pennsylvania to speak about his plans to counter the US reliance on China.

The former president and Republican presidential nominee is attending the afternoon event in a rural area outside of Pittsburgh hosted by the Protecting America Initiative, which is led by Richard Grenell, Trump's former acting director of national intelligence, and former New York congressman Lee Zeldin.

Trump has embraced tariffs as he tries to appeal to working-class voters who oppose free-trade deals and the outsourcing of factories and jobs. 

The event on Monday focuses on proposals to increase the country's food supply and to protect US farmers.

The National Agricultural Law Center estimates 24 US states ban or limit foreigners without residency and foreign businesses or governments from owning private farmland. 

Vice President Kamala Harris is due to campaign in the state of Pennsylvania later this week. (AP PHOTO)

The issue emerged after a Chinese billionaire bought more than 52,600 hectares near a US air force base in Texas and another Chinese company sought to build a corn plant near an air force base in North Dakota.

Later on Monday, Trump is expected to rally voters at 7pm in Indiana, Pennsylvania, a town east of Pittsburgh, where he is hoping conservative working-class voters help him pull ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris, his opponent. 

Harris is also visiting Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

Trump leads among likely voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, outpacing Harris six weeks before the November 5 presidential election, a New York Times/Siena College poll suggested.

Trump bested his Democratic rival 50 per cent to 45 per cent in Arizona last week, 49 per cent to 45 per cent in Georgia and 49 per cent to 47 per cent in North Carolina, according to the poll, which echoed other recent polls showing a close contest.

The three states are among seven critical swing states that are likely to decide the 2024 presidential contest between Trump and Harris.

Monday's poll includes a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points in Arizona among 713 people polled in Arizona; plus or minus 4.6 points among 682 surveyed in Georgia and plus or minus 4.2 points among 682 surveyed in North Carolina.

with AP